(March 2, 2021) The Canada Council for the Arts (CCA) announced today that it will provide additional funding for arts organizations by investing $116.5 million in Supporting Arts and Live Events Workers in Response to COVID-19, which was revealed in the last federal government economic statement. The Council is investing in two one-time additional funding streams—the Explore and Create program and the Digital Now initiative.
The deadlines for the Explore and Create program are April 8 and October 6. The funding will provide increased support for a wide range of research, creation, conception, and production activities, benefiting artists and arts organizations.
The deadlines for the Digital Now stream are March 31 and April 28. The funding will provide a range of arts organizations with grants to develop, create, adapt, produce, promote, disseminate, and optimize their digital artistic content or hybrid activities that combine digital and in-person dissemination.
it is undertaking these initiatives to stimulate job creation, research, creativity, and innovation, the Canada Council for the Arts says.
“Today, we are sending out a call to the entire sector—we cannot wait to discover your projects,” they said in a news release today. “The investments will serve as a springboard for sector recovery and strengthen the digital scene that’s taking shape right now.”
The announcement comes on the same day as the Ontario government released details of its funding for arts organizations in grants ranging from $1.5 million to the Canadian Opera Company to $92,000 to ECW Press to $18,108 to the imagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival.
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