The Charity Report is an independent voice in the charity sector. Our job is to provide knowledgeable well-balanced, well-researched information to people working in the charity sector. We showcase the work of charities within the context they are operating, provide analysis of sector wide trends and ask tough questions when we have to. We offer news in the form a free website, a series of intelligence reports for subscribers and bespoke research for any organization seeking individualized information.
If you have a question about a news story, please contact The Charity Report editor in chief Gail Picco at
If you’d like to connect with someone our our Intelligence Reports or research email
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If you are engaged in the charity sector and want to share the story of your work, please contact us at: . We’re interested in your work.
If you are interested in becoming a freelance writer, researcher or Literary Review Panalist for The Charity Report, please contact editor in chief Gail Picco at You can send your CV and an expression of interest by email.
If you are interested in discussing a bespoke research project with us, please contact Gail Picco at
A subscription to The Charity Report is $35 a month or $360 a year (a saving of $60) including applicable taxes.for exclusive access to 12 comprehensively researched intelligence reports on a range of current dynamics in the charity sector.
For many Canadians, and donors especially, the most they ever hear about charities are fundraising requests or when a charity hits the front page because of a ‘scam’ or allegation of misconduct. The Charity Report offers a much more profound reportage of the sector and its challenges, especially the 99% of charities whose work is not widely understood and who cannot afford to pay for media to highlight their work. People who work in charities often feel their work is unrecognized and the nuances left unexplained. The Charity Report is working to fill that gap.