(November 9, 2021) The US election result has put a foreseeable end to the past four years of the Trump administration–the grotesque apparition of a foul-mouthed liar at the head of the world’s largest economy and military–that caused much anxiety throughout the world. Watching helplessly as white supremacy became de rigeur, petty and major crimes unfolded on a regular basis at the top levels of the administration, a 73- year old malignantly narcissistic spoiled brat got in our faces by way of Twitter and pretty well rubbed the world’s last nerve raw. An uncontrolled pandemic capped off the self-interest of his enablers. The death of a quarter of a million people, apparently, was not enough. Even as we write this, we find the cruelty unimaginable. For those who believe in the anti-Christ, this man met a disturbing number of the criteria. As usual, editorial cartoonists have their own unique take on the US election result, representing what we’ve just been through and will continue to go through until January 20, 2021. Here are a few of our favourites.
Bruce MacKinnon – SaltWire Network
Joe Donato – Toronto Sun
Michael de Adder – Hill Times
Mike Luckovich – Washington Post
James Dent – Charleston Gazette-Mail
David Fitzsimmons – Arizona Star, Tucson
Feature Photo
Bruce MacKinnon – SaltWire Network
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