(October 25, 2021) The Charity Report welcomes Yvonne Harding as its newest member of The Literary Circle Review Panel. The Literary Circle features reviews of the latest books on social justice, philanthropic trends, and other tittles of interest to people working in the charity and nonprofit sectors. It reviews about 75 books a year.
In her day job, Harding is the Manager of Resource Development for the Assaulted Women’s Helpline and Seniors Safety Line. She is responsible for all aspects of the organization’s fundraising from events to grants to individual donations. In addition to the fundraising portfolio, she also manages the Helpline’s communications. Harding began her career in advertising, then moved to marketing research and planning. She has volunteered extensively in education and minor sport.
Harding says she is “a massive reader and always have an opinion about the books she’s reading.”
“We are thrilled to have Yvonne join the Review Panel. She has worked on the issue of violence against women for many years, so brings that insight to the table, and she knows the dynamics involved in the frontline work of raising money and support for women’s causes,” says Gail Picco, editor in chief of The Charity Report.
The Charity Report’s singular review panel is a diverse collection of people engaged in the charity sector and in social justice. They share a love of books and are keen on highlighting the big-idea books that can help the charity sector deal with changing, complex dynamics through a lens of equity and justice.
Current Literary Review Panel members include Kathleen Adamson, Adya Anju, Roger Ali, Sharon Broughton, Wanda Deschamps, Diane Hill, Juniper Locilento, Krishan Mehta, Nicole Salmon, Ginelle Skerritt, Katherine Verhagen Rodis, and Lucy White.
If you are interested in becoming a member of The Literary Circle Review Panel, download an information packet here.